Men in Sheds - Monday 12 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
A group of like minded men mainly aged 50 & over, who meet every week on a Monday am, Tuesday am & pm, Wednesday am & pm & Friday am to use The Shed workshop space at the Age UK Warehouse in Kendal for renovating furniture & other projects.
Please be aware that we currently have a waiting list for new members.
Men in Sheds meet four days a week at the Age UK South Lakeland Warehouse, they have their own dedicated workshop space, where they give their time to assist the members to make, repair & renovate furniture to be sold in our Age UK South Lakeland shops. They also work with other organisations on new items for use in the community, or they work on their own projects. Projects in the past have included, bird boxes, bug hotels, wind chimes & bat boxes. Some of the group can turn their hand to upholstery. This is a group of like minded men mainly aged 50 & over who enjoy creating, getting together with the group for a sociable chat, drinking tea & being well supported by the group.
Age UK South Lakeland Warehouse
Age UK South Lakeland
Modgate House
Station Road
Event is repeated on the following dates:
- Tuesday 13 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
- Wednesday 14 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
- Friday 16 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
- Monday 19 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
- Tuesday 20 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
- Wednesday 21 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm
- Friday 23 Jan 2026 - 10am to 4pm