Vision Support Barrow & District set to launch new 3-year strategy - Tuesday 07 Jan 2025
Vision Support Barrow & District, a charity which supports people with vision impairments across South West Cumbria, is unveiling their new strategy which aims to shape a better, more inclusive, future for their members.
The strategy has been co-produced to reflect the ambitions of the charity’s trustees, employees, and service users. Amanda Bennett, Chief Executive Officer, said: “This is not just my strategy; it is a strategy for everyone.”
“To write this strategy, I have asked service users across our area about their experiences and what is important to them for the future. This collective ambition sets out the roadmap for the next three years.”
Their new strategy focuses primarily on three ambitions: providing high quality services for children and young people (Starting Well), continuing to support blind and partially sighted adults to live independently (Living Well), and providing high quality care and accommodation at Ostley House (Aging Well).
The new strategy has been co-designed and printed in collaboration with Barrow-based graphic and web designer, Pair Creative Ltd.
Alongside the new strategy, Vision Support is also evolving in other ways having recently recruited project coordinators for two new projects – Barrow Buddies and a Working Age programme.
Barrow Buddies, funded by Active Cumbria’s Travel Actively Barrow programme, is a new scheme which matches up sighted guide volunteers with people who are vision impaired and socially isolated. Barrow Buddies will also hold weekly walks to improve fitness and mental wellbeing.
The Working Age programme will support people who are furthest removed from the job market but of working age as well as establishing a forum for people in work to share experiences and knowledge.
Vision Support Barrow & District currently supports over 900 blind and partially sighted people. However, they know that there are many more people across South West Cumbria who could benefit from their support.
Vera Wilton, Chair of the Board of Trustees, said: “Vision Support Barrow and District is an organisation steeped in more than one hundred years of history and is well known in Barrow in Furness for the contribution it has made to people’s lives in the area.”
“Our challenge now is to expand our reach and ensure that people with sight loss in the furthest areas of South West Cumbria, understand the contribution we can make to their lives.”
Vision Support Barrow & District will be unveiling their 2025-2028 strategy on Wednesday 22nd January from 12pm during a launch event at the Holiday Inn Express in Barrow. If you would like to attend to learn more you can do so by visiting their Eventbrite page below.