Multi Agency Referral System (MARS)
MARS provides a safe and GDPR compliant method of making inter-agency referrals. MARS can be used as a stand-alone utility for those organisations who need to use a national or other CRM, or as an embedded utility within CRIS (Client Records and Information System). MARS provides a simple to use referral template that allows the referrer to input all the relevant information to make a complete referral. Participating agencies receive an automatic email to inform them they have received a referral via MARS (no client information is included in this email). Users can simply accept or decline the referral, which is then flagged up to the sending agency; the reason for declining a referral is a mandatory field. The sending agency can also select to request feedback following the referral as it may be relevant to their continued interest in the client/patient. Mars is also linked to Strata, which in turn links to EMIS, Lorenzo and IOS. This provides the ability for GP’s or practice nurses to send MARS referrals into the MARS system from within the EMIS environment.