Hearing Loss Service
Organisations can refer to this service via MARS
This service offers help and support for anyone who is directly or indirectly affected by hearing loss. This may be the person with hearing loss, family members, care staff or friends.
A hearing support display in our Resource Centre allows people to help themselves to catalogues, leaflets and fact sheets. A selection of demonstration equipment is also on display. NHS hearing aid batteries can be collected at the reception desk during opening hours.
We have a volunteer available on the 2nd and fourth Wednesday of each month 09:30 AM - 12:00 noon to discuss any issues or problems relating to hearing loss.
Basic hearing aid maintenance is available. This covers cleaning, re-tubing and replacement of filters and hooks. Other than basic troubleshooting we cannot deal with hearing aids that are broken or not working. This has to be dealt with by the audiology department, as do any changes to the programming of hearing aids.
17 Finkle Street
Westmorland and Furness
There is no cost for this service
MARS Referral, Contact Organisation
01539 728118