Digital Engagement Project & Tablet Loan Service
Organisations can refer to this service via MARS

As part of this project we provide clients with a working Amazon Fire Tablet for a three month period. If clients do not have broadband we will also provide a mobile WiFi router also for the same period.
Our Digital Engagement Project provides support for older people by holding regular IT Drop Ins at a variety of locations across South Lakeland such as Libraries and Age UK Offices. Our IT Volunteers support with queries or problems regarding Laptops, tablets or Smartphones.
For those unable to attend IT Drop Ins, we can provide support by way of visits from an IT volunteer in the older person's home, helping them become familiar with their own device or an Age UK Tablet via our loan scheme.
17 Finkle Street
Adults, Older Adults (65+)
Westmorland and Furness
There is no cost for this service
MARS Referral, Contact Organisation
030 300 30003