New Beginnings Peer Support
Windsor House
Cornwall Road
New Beginnings Peer Support is a peer-led after-crisis domestic abuse service supporting women and their children who have previously been subjected to domestic abuse in Harrogate and Rural Districts and Craven, with some service options available across North Yorkshire.
Our aim is to empower women through providing a platform from which they can experience post-traumatic growth despite the ongoing challenges they face as a result of the domestic abuse and their perpetrator.
We offer tailored support with the following options available:
- 1:1 in-person and remotely
- Group support in person (term-time)
- Activity sessions (school holidays-family friendly)
- Signposting inc. to therapy
- Non-legal court support
- 12 week Own My Life course (in-person in Harrogate or online)
- Support to access education, training, volunteering and employment
- Client to volunteer pathway
- Friends & Family Domestic Abuse Awareness Training (in-person in Harrogate)
- 10 week Day Programme - preventative course for 14+ in partnership with schools/youth provisions