The Living Rooms
A community hub where its `OK not to be OK'
TLR is a is a community hub in the heart of Northallerton. We offer and are developing services for those in our community who are struggling to thrive or even survive, not least with their mental wellbeing.
At the heart of TLR are our Renew Wellbeing sessions where a warm welcome is extended to all visitors of any faith or none and we offer simple hospitality and a listening ear.
We partner with Renew Wellbeing – a national organisation that helps churches and their communities open spaces of welcome and inclusion in partnership with mental health teams to improve mental and emotional wellbeing. Renew Wellbeing spaces are quiet shared spaces ‘where it is OK not to be OK’.
We also partner with other like-minded organisations such as:
Hambleton Foodshare operates from TLR
Hambleton Community Action
Jubilee Debt Advice
Men’s Shed
The Secret Garden
A number of organisations utilise office space on the first floor of our premises and we are equipping our largest office as a training and meeting room.
As a further resource for our visitors we have collated an extensive signposting register of other local services offering specialist support and social, leisure and hobby groups within the Northallerton area.