Mental Health Connect
Keighley Healthy Living
Scott Street
Mental Health Connect is a partnership project commissioned by AWC Modality and WACA Primary Care Networks. The project is part of a wider programme to transform community mental health care across the NHS in England, to help better integrate mental health services into communities.
Mental Health Connect is a three-year project which will be delivered across Airedale and Wharfedale. The project will explore how different organisations providing mental health support (including health, social care, voluntary and community sector and wider organisations and services) can work together to:
• Share experience, skills and knowledge.
• Transform the way mental health care and support is delivered locally.
• Ensure mental health provision across the locality is well connected and easy to navigate.
• Improve service delivery and reduce inequalities for people with mental health conditions.
The project which started in January 2023 will be delivered by Keighley Healthy Living (the lead organisaton) in partnership with Roshni Ghar, Project 6 and Missing Peace (core delivery providers) alongside other interested partners, to be identified across Airedale and Wharfedale. This project will also connect with the Craven Mental Health Transformation project and share learning and development, where relevant and appropriate.
The project consists of a Women’s Mental Health and Wellbeing Worker, Dual Diagnosis Practitioner, Exercise Classes, WRAP sessions, Small Grants Scheme, sourcing and promoting training and creating links between other services.
The Mental Health Worker appointed by Roshni Ghar delivers one to one support sessions and mental health and well being groups specifically aimed at the South Asian community. The worker offers 1:1 emotional support to service users struggling with their mental health, helps clients build resilience, challenges stigma around mental health and encourage clients to seek help and support at the earliest opportunity and provides training in Trauma Informed Practice to gain knowledge on the principles, framework and the fundamentals of how to apply these in order to help and understand service users efficiently.
Dual Diagnostic Worker will deliver one to one sessions for people experiencing mental health and other issues such as substance and alcohol. Providing around 4-5 months of 1:1 working then supporting the service user to move into groups.
There is also 3 WRAP courses available per year by Missing Peace. WRAP stands for Wellness Recovery Action Plan and focuses on supporting attendees at creating their own recovery plan. Teaching the attendees to recognise their stressors and early warning signs and creating daily and crisis plans to support themselves. A
In addition to this, Keighley Healthy Living is delivering a variety of group exercise sessions to meet the identified needs of local communities.
There is also a sourcing and promoting element in regards to mental health training for VCS staff and volunteers. This is ongoing and Keighley Healthy Living are currently sourcing appropriate training's.
Lastly there is a small grants portion of the project that will fund pilot project activity to respond to current and emerging local needs.