Policy Centre for African Peoples
Akerman Centre
60 Patmos Road, Vassal
In 2008, Sylvie Aboa-Bradwell began PCAP’s journey to enable African and disadvantaged people from all ethnic groups to improve their lives through education, leadership training and social engagement.
Our Mission
We envision a world where personal and collective prosperity, justice and common good stem from better education, leadership and social engagement.
How We Realise Our Mission
To realise our mission, we train our projects’ participants to succeed in the areas of education, leadership and social engagement using our unique training model in 6 steps inspired by African philosophy: Harmonisation, Acceptation, Attenuation, Absorption, Relaxation and Differentiation.
Our Work in the Area of Education
We deliver training and educational projects, as well as coaching and mentoring sessions, that enable our beneficiaries to use education as a tool for personal and collective improvement.
Our Work in the Area of Social Engagement
We train, nurture and encourages participants to become agents of positive social change.
Our Work in the Area of Leadership Development
We provide participants with the training and nurturing they need to become effective leaders and change-makers.