Men In Sheds
Peter Smith
Ings School
Broughton Road
Skipton Men's Shed is a charity which aims to be 'a place where men of Skipton can feel welcomed and spend quality time together, sharing their skills in a supportive, non-judgmental environment, enjoying laughs and companionship whilst benefiting the local community'
We have a workshop and a meeting/social room, plus an outside garden area and shed. We meet for regular sessions during the week, which primarily involves woodwork and similar craft activities and we sometimes make items such as bird boxes and planters for other community groups.
We currently meet on Tuesday evenings, Thursday and Saturday mornings. We charge a subscription of £5 per month.
Please be aware that we are open to people coming who have disabilities and other health conditions, but we will need to assess the suitability of the shed for that person given the presence of power tools etc. Also, as a community group, we are unable to provide for some specific care needs but are prepared to make arrangements where there is carer support if possible. Please contact us if there are any issues or concerns to ensure that we can assist.