Sight Advice South Lakes

Westmorland and Furness
Sight Advice South Lakes operates information, support and social engagement opportunities for the sight impaired and blind.
Our area of coverage is the majority of the South Lakes, with people from Grange over Sands and Ulverston being referred to our colleagues at Barrow and Districts Society for the Blind Ltd.
We work with people of all ages and their families or carers.
Sight Advice South Lakes provides information, advice and emotional support to enable visually impaired people, including those registered severely sight impaired (blind) or sight impaired (partially sighted), to lead full and independent lives.
We support visually impaired people through:
- Our Sight Advice Centre: a resource and information centre based at the Bradbury Centre on Highgate in Kendal displaying a wide range of equipment, low vision aids, technological equipment and electronic magnifiers which can be purchased through the centre. A selection of these aids can also be seen at the Gateway Centre.
- Outreach workers who provide support to visually impaired people in their own homes by advising on appropriate aids, equipment and technology (including computers) which would support independence.
- Integrated Low Vision Service: where an ophthalmic optician assesses and provides low vision magnification and an opportunity to engage with staff from Adult Social Care and Sight Advice South Lakes to assess and assist with independent living aids and equipment.
- An information desk at Westmorland General Hospital and access to a Sight Advice South Lakes Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) at the macular clinics and at other times by arrangement.
- Specialised support for children and young people under 18 and their carers, including activities and events.
- 7 Information and Support groups held monthly throughout the locality, plus a group to support those with both sight and hearing loss.
- Befriending schemes (telephone and face to face) plus sighted guides to build confidence to get out and about.
- One to one computer training using a variety of software and equipment in our Sight Advice Centre or in the home. Opportunities to try a range of phones, tablets, kindles and ipads to help identify the best equipment for the user.
- A range of social and leisure activities including a walking group and a social group, and the Vital group for active visually impaired adults who want to take part in activities like darts nights, cycling, quiz nights, bowling or caving.
- Visual Awareness training for organisations who would like to be able to meet the needs and expectations of their customers.