Positive Progressions and Action Towards Inclusion
Positive Progressions and Action Towards Inclusion are part of the Building Better Opportunities programme, funded by the Big Lottery Community Fund and the European Social Fund. Both projects work with individuals who are at risk of social isolation to increase their resilience and gain the ability to support themselves through a range of tailored support. Positive Progressions is delivered in Selby, Craven, Harrogate & York, and the rural isolated areas and works with participants who have children in the household. Action Towards Inclusion is delivered in Craven, including North Craven and the surrounding rural isolated areas. Participants do not have to have children to be eligible to join Action Towards Inclusion.
Both projects provide mentoring and support around health, finances and skills to the most disadvantaged individuals and families in the community experiencing a range of complex challenges. We support economically inactive or unemployed individuals to overcome barriers and move closer towards employment, as well as addressing a range of social issues such as poverty, isolation and social exclusion. The participants will benefit from increased skills, confidence and resilience.
Our partners include:
• York City Council
• Home Start
• Citizens Advice Service in Harrogate and Craven districts
• North Yorkshire County Council Adult Learning and Skills Service
• York College
• North Yorkshire County Council Children and Families Early Help Service
• The support is provided through Keyworkers and Intervention Partners.
The fundamental aims of Positive Progressions and Action Towards Inclusion are to:
• Increase participant's confidence to support themselves and their families and to access support from other support services
• Improve mental well-being
• Reduce reliance on support services as participants become more ‘job ready'
Long-term mentoring support from Keyworkers and specific intervention activities from Intervention Partners will enable individuals to overcome barriers and move closer to job-search, training, education and employment.
The Positive Progressions and Action Towards Inclusion delivery models are:
Keyworkers will be the main point of contact for participants throughout the project and will provide initial engagement, assessment and ongoing support.
Specific project activities will include:
• Outreach activities to engage participants
• Holistic assessment of each individual's needs, followed by tailored support measures
• Sign-posting and referrals to mainstream and other services, as necessary
• Support to access services for overcoming health-related barriers
• Accessible support to become work-ready
Intervention Partners will provide a range of activities which may include:
• Skills development in Maths, English and ICT
• Vocational training
• Employability skills and job search facilities
• Volunteering or work experience opportunities
• Financial capability and debt advice
• Crisis resolution skills
• Counselling and emotional well-being activities
• Mindfulness and resilience
• Family learning sessions
• Household management
• Healthy eating on a budget
• Digital awareness and computers for beginners
• Pre-ESOL
Who is eligible to take part in the Project?
Someone is eligible to access support if:
• They are legally resident in the UK and able to take paid employment in the European Union member states, and they are unemployed or economically inactive (evidence would be required although support is available to source appropriate evidence)
• The Positive Progressions project works with the adult in the family aged 18 and over
• They have a goal to move towards gaining employment
How do I refer a participant?
If you are aware of a person who might benefit from either Positive Progressions or Action Towards Inclusions, please contact:
01756 693 306 or email: [email protected]