The Well Communities
Westmorland and Furness
The Well communities is a peer led organisation that provides a range of services and initiatives that support mental health and addiction recovery and minimise the harm caused by problematic alcohol and substance misuse. Our key beneficiaries are drug and alcohol users and their families. We provide housing, hospital and street outreach, therapeutic programmes and actvities, through the gate support and peer run community hubs.
The Well Communities CIC (TWC) has been providing supported recovery housing since 2013 and currently manages 28 units in Cumbria. Residents have direct access to an evidence based behaviour Change model that integrates the 12 steps and is linked into work within the local 12 step fellowships. TWC also manages community hubs across Cumbria and Lancashire, leveraging the assets of the local community and providing safe spaces for individuals and their families to support behaviour change, develop wellbeing and resilience and strengthen community cohesion. The Well Communities CIC also runs services supporting the most vulnerable substance and alcohol users who are at most risk of drug related death. In North & Central Lancashire TWC does this work with CGL and is an integral part of the new Inspire behaviour change service. We are also contracted to work directly with the NHS in both Furness General Hospital & Lancaster Royal Infirmary providing a " Dual Diagnosis In_reach " service across both sites.
Our successful " Through the gate " work also operates within H.M.P. Altcourse and proves to dramatically reduce re-offendng.
TWC’s model integrates the power of lived experience, Asset Based Community development with therapeutic evidenced based models (e.g Brief Solution Focussed Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Training) and delivers these within a framework of trauma informed care (TIC).