Springfield Domestic Abuse Support in South Lakeland
Westmorland and Furness
Springfield community support and refuge.
Springfield offers support to adults affected by domestic abuse in the South Lakes, within the community and refuge setting. Support can be sought by anyone currently affected by abuse, historic abuse, or worried about a loved one who may be actively experiencing abuse.
Support consists of a range of options- primarily to safeguard an individual, and minimise harm, but also to allow healing from trauma and therapeutic support, to move on.
Support can include information and advice, safety planning, referrals to other agencies for safeguarding, or more specialist support, such as benefits /housing advice.
Support can include advocacy and support when navigating agencies such as police/court/ children’s services.
Therapeutic groups are also available, including peer support, mindfulness, domestic abuse recovery, self-esteem and confidence, and a processing trauma group.
Refuge support – safe housing for women who may need to flee abuse. (Intense support/safeguarding)
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