Kendal Integrated Care Community (ICC)
Westmorland and Furness
Kendal ICC was created in 2016 to help bring together local health and care professionals, GPs, the voluntary sector and the community to work as one team.
The focus of the ICC is to ensure that the people of Kendal are supported to improve their own health and wellbeing, and that when people are ill or need support, they receive the best possible joined up care.
The ICC helps empower people to take an active role in their health and wellbeing and supports people to manage long-term conditions such as dementia at home with the right support.
Kendal ICC works across organisations in the defined geographical area of Kendal and the surrounding parishes to improve the overall health and wellbeing of local people.
Our team visit older people in their homes to gain an understanding of their living situation and to document the person’s views, wishes and needs. A comprehensive plan is developed to
encompass how they would like to be cared as their health and care needs advance. Often this
includes in-depth discussions around sensitive issues such as hospital care, resuscitation and
where the person wishes to be cared for at the end of their natural life. Our core team have
recorded over 350 such plans that are shared with other professionals involved in the person’s